Every now and again I'll provide a product review for running related products or literature. None of these reviews will be paid endorsements. If I recommend something it's because I believe it is good not because I was paid to do so. Today I have two books I strongly recommend for runners The first is Racing Weight: How to Get Lean for Peak Performance (The Racing Weight Series) I gave this book a 5 star review at Amazon.com. It's a simple plan that does not rely on gimmicky diet plans to help an endurance athlete determine an ideal racing weight and to achieve that diet weight through proper nutrition and timing of that nutrition while burning fat and developing muscle. This was by far the best book I've read on the subject of weight management for the endurance athlete. The second is Weight Training for Running: The Ultimate Guide. I also gave this book a 5 star review on Amazon. Weight training is essential for runners. Not only does it build long lean muscle which is essential for speed and endurance it burns fat through increased metabolism better than most other forms of cross training. This book provides photos and descriptions of 100+ weight exercises that benefit runners from the upper body to the core to the lower body and legs along with sample workout plans and recommendations based upon different goals. It's small, lightweight, and will pack nicely into a gym bag to carry with you to the gym. It is also available for the Kindle. I've owned many weight training guides but this is the first (and only) book I found dedicated to the runner and the specific weight training regimens needed to build a strong core while developing the fast twitch needed for explosive speed and the slow twitch needed for long runs.