Submitted by Ellen Goffin from
Some of you know that my husband and I have a son with Crohn's Disease. Crohn's is an autoimmune disease that affects the digestive system. I will write more about Crohn's and in particular our experiences with it in a future blog post. Right now I want to tell you about an event our family is participating in to raise awareness for this disease. We are participating in the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (CCFA) Take Steps walk in Glenview on June 30. Isaac has decided that raising money for the CCFA is his mitzvah project (he will become a bar mitzvah in November of this year). One of the ways he is doing this is by walking with our family in the Take Steps for Crohn's & Colitis. Take Steps is CCFA's national evening walk and celebration and the nation's largest event dedicated to finding cures for digestive diseases. It is a casual 2-3 mile stroll to raise money for crucial research, bringing us closer to a future free from Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Over 1.4 million American adults and children are affected by these digestive diseases. While many suffer in silence, Take Steps brings together this community in a fun and energetic atmosphere, encouraging them to make noise and be heard. To join us please go to: and click on "rejoin or join a team." Then type in "Goofy Goffins" in the team name box and click on search. If you are unable to join us but would like to donate towards the cause go to: and click on "donate." Enter any of our names in the search boxes (I know Isaac would love some donations on his
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March 2017